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Rosalie V. Arthur, CPA

Financial Advisor

Rosalie is a certified public accountant with over 35 years of experience in financial executive and general management roles. Rosalie began her career as an auditor for KPMG gaining an in-depth understanding of the transforming power of new technologies, financial reporting, technical accounting, and auditing standards. She has served as the financial advisor to several high net worth individuals in their family offices, managing all of their administrative and financial matters including portfolio reviews, financial statements, budgets, insurance matters, legal documents, estate planning, loan transactions, tax matters, personal business investment opportunities, and real estate purchase and sale transactions for both personal use and investment purposes.

As part of her role as the financial advisor to these individuals, she worked as a senior executive in their operating businesses in various roles including due diligence, contract negotiations, financing, and construction management and lease negotiations for corporate real estate transactions. She has also managed several major M&A transactions, coordinating the analysis,
review, forecasting, due diligence, and negotiation of purchase and sale documents.

M: 954.914.3749
